Multi-platform User Tracker

Multi-platform user tracking solutions, User Tracker, for broadcasters, online media and OTT Platforms

The multichannel nature of OTT services itself makes it necessary to have a unified identity manager of all digital channels integrated into a single database. The multiplatform and universal User Tracker allows tracking by the device and platform of the viewer/user and individually knowing each identity to grant the possibility of acting in a personalized and transversal way regardless of the channel that the user uses to consume content. The large amount of information collected from each user through different data sources such as HbbTV or social login (Facebook, Twitter etc.), allows us to feed the recommendations engine to offer each user the most relevant content for them, in order to significantly increase retention and fidelity rates. Thanks to the personalized and cross-platform recommendation engine we can establish gamification strategies to enrich the profiling of users. Machine learning mechanisms also make it possible to explain the reason behind the recommendations to the data analyst. The administrator can ask the system the reason behind the recommendations to better understand the correlations and verify that the business rules work as planned. These parametric business rules are there to define different recommendation criteria. The administrator can define multiple instances with different recommendation criteria thanks to the User Tracker, and be used in the different use cases that are required (depending on the platform, depending on the type of user).

Social Login

Social Login with Google, Facebook and Twitter among others

Multiplatform user tracking

Multiplatform user tracking

Universal multi-device

Universal multi-device and cross-platform registration

Unified and cross-platform database

Unified and cross-platform database for user management

Real-time monitoring

Real-time monitoring of user activity

Consumption metrics

Individualized consumption metrics by device and platform

Single Sign On

Support for Single Sign-On SSO for single or unified login


Support for GDPR regulations